The Cedar Rapids Parkinson's Association hosts a monthly support/education meeting for both people with Parkinson's and care partners on the third Thursday of each month at 4:00pm.
Meetings are not held in December.
Meetings are held at the
DeWolf Innovation Center for Aging and Dementia
9000 C Ave NE
Cedar Rapids
Guest speakers are invited each month to present on topics related to Parkinson's Disease, caregiving, and health/wellness. Please see our calendar below for dates, speakers, and registration link.
Programs may be held both in person and on Zoom.
Classes are either held at the DeWolf Innovation Center for Aging and Dementia OR the Family Caregivers Center of Mercy. Please see the schedule below for location and date/time.
The above pre-recorded videos are available to watch anytime on our YouTube channel.
via SignUp Genius or call 319-430-3729
You do not need to register if you are attending via Zoom
Please visit our YouTube channel and Facebook page for prerecorded exercise videos.
Moving with PD is a 45-minute class held both seated in a chair and standing. Exercises consist of big movements, range of motion, strength, flexibility, postural stability, cognitive, balance, and gait. Care Partners are welcome to attend!
Parkinsingers is a 45-minute vocal exercise group for those with Parkinson's. Caregivers are welcome to attend. There are MANY benefits to singing! These include: improving volume and clarity when speaking, strengthening muscles involved in swallowing and breathing, increasing mood, providing opportunities for self-expression, and of course having fun! Each class we begin with vocal warm ups and then sing through favorite songs. No previous singing experience required, and all are welcome! Instructor: Taught by a Board Certified-music therapist from West Music.
Dance appears to meet many, if not all, of the recommended components for exercise programs designed for individuals with PD. The benefits of dance include improved balance and gait function as well as improved quality of life. You do not need to be “a dancer” to participate in PD Dance. No experience or partner is needed but person with PD and care partner are both welcom. Come and learn some fun Latin and Ballroom line dances with a variety of music for great exercise!
Whether it is Giving Tuesday, or a year end donation, please help to support our free programs for people with PD and their care partners!